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    Remove Arsenic From Drinking Water

    Arsenic can be removed from drinking water using a reverse osmosis system.

    You may find it surprising to know that Arsenic may be in the water you consume everyday. Generally, arsenic can be found in many minerals but it can also be naturally occurring in its native state. It is known for being poisonous to multi-cellular life because of its interaction with protein thiols. Often, it is used to produce pesticides, wood preservatives, herbicides and insecticides. Nowadays, it is not advisable to add arsenic in these products. Metallic arsenic is used to strengthen automotive batteries. Gallium arsenide is an essential ingredient in producing semiconductors used in integrated circuits. It can also be found in lead shots and bullets as well as in optical glass.

    Arsenic Is a Dangerous Water Contaminant

    As far as the human body is concerned, arsenic is a carcinogen that can lead to many types of cancer. This is why the government is trying its best to get rid of arsenic particles in potable water. How arsenic finds its way in water sources is not a difficult question to answer. It can be found in groundwater naturally through the anoxic conditions of the subsurface. In the southwest regions of the US, arsenic is commonly found in groundwater. Wisconsin suffers from arsenic exposure resulting to increased levels of skin cancer. Today, countries are advised not to utilize arsenic in the production of certain materials such as preserved woods. Despite that, the majority of older arsenic-treated woods are still used widespread in other countries. The arsenic could leak out of the wood and into the ground soil. The arsenic transferred into the soil may find its way to the water source afterwards. Since various minerals contain arsenic, water supplies around mines are contaminated with arsenic compounds. Studies show that long term exposure to arsenic may lead to kidney and bladder cancer as well as liver, prostate, skin, lung and nasal cavity cancers.

    Indeed, human activities greatly influence the environment and the water sources are not an exception. Technology introduces us ways on how we can preserve and improve what we use in our everyday lives but it also comes with a cost. Chemicals used in the process may be detrimental not only to humans but especially the environment. We should then be careful how we utilize the resources around us, especially water. In the same manner, technology gives us the edge on how to combat its own negative effects. Water purification is made available by the government for the benefit of the people. It eliminates harmful substances that can be found in various water resources so we can have safe, drinking water. This is not an excuse to take it for granted, though. We should be aware of the things that we consume everyday.